
IT-Strategy | TechTalks | Advisory


IT Strategy is a technical answer to a business question: How will IT help the business win?. It looks at the business strategy, then considers how to use IT to make that strategy successful.

I help you formulate an effective strategy for the digital age.


In my TechTalks, I examine trends in the IT world and how they affect the way we live and do business. I also discuss the darker side of technology and what we need to look out for.

Book a TechTalk for your next company event.

Advisory Board

With 25 years of experience in managing IT organizations, I offer insights and advisory to help ensure that IT strategy and technology investments are aligned with business strategy.

Companies with an advisory board are less likely to fail.


IT Strategy is a technical answer to a business question: “How will IT help the business win?”. It looks at the business strategy, then considers how to use IT to make that strategy successful.

I help you formulate an effective strategy for the digital age.


In my TechTalks, I examine trends in the IT world and how they affect the way we live and do business. I also discuss the darker side of technology and what we need to look out for.

Book a TechTalk for your next company event.

Advisory Board

With 25 years of experience in managing IT organizations, I offer insights and advisory to help ensure that IT strategy and technology investments are aligned with business strategy.

Companies with an advisory board are less likely to fail.

Other Services

Technology Assessment

A written review or a series of tests to help you decide on a platform, system, product or technology that fits your needs.

Security Assessment

Obtain a quick overview of your company’s security posture, understand your vulnerabilities, and learn how to fix them.

WordPress Care

Standard and Pro maintenance plans to ensure your WordPress site is up to date, backed up, secure, and supported.

Dropbox Business

Quick and easy Dropbox Business rollout, access privileges setup, administration, staff training, and ongoing support

Behind MikeV- Consult is Mike Viehweg

I have been a leader and Security specialist for over two decades in the IT industry, where I have worked with a wide range of companies and technologies. My strength is that not only do I understand technology, but I also know how to leverage it to produce results.

Get in touch

Please contact me using the email below. Whether you have inquiries or suggestions or simply wish to connect, I aim to respond promptly to all correspondence. Thank you for reaching out.